Hello! I'm Sarai Padilla from Zero Period, and this is my ECS Portfolio of what I've done, learned, and experienced in my computer class, and I'm here to share it. I'll be typing about everything I've learned throughout the semester, and I'll be going through explaining to the best of my ability. Here are some pictures to show you the majority of what I'll be covering in here. I've provided a drop-down menu to all these units at the bottom of the page, happy learning! Oh-and just so you know, some of these units are just for fun and exploring, and the majority of these were made on a Chromebook. Also I don't own any of the photos used on here, including the backgrounds!
^Thats a smol gif I made :3 (There will be a couple throughout these topics just because for fun)
I made all my small gifs right Here :^)
What is a Computer?
Online Saftey
Virtual Looms
Photo Editing
Web Pages
(Tip: When you click the "Unit" button, scroll down to see the topics. It's a little annoying I know :P)