` Online Privacy

Online Privacy

Yeah, on the internet, you don't really have your privacy anymore-so think before you post! Everything you do on any device can be tracked down, and if you think you got away with deleting something, think again! It is true-everything you post on the internet, STAYS on the internet. FOREVER. I've also provided you with another group slide presetation to give you an insight on what I'm trying to explain to y'all. We were given a scenario where a boyfriend who had broken up with her girlfriend, sent private photos to his friends and soon her photos were across all of social media. We were asked if what he had the right to send those photos (which he didn't) and explain why. We also had to talk about who was affected in this situation, and had to give another example of an accident that unexpectedly happened because of social media as well. We also had to talk about the pros and cons about the situation given to us. I personally learned to think before I post anything on the internet, as well as being aware of my surroundings on there. And watch out for viruses! Don't trust shady emails either! Be very cautious!!!


^Also have a little Pikachu pixel gif I made because fun. Told ya there'd be some of these :^)

Click Here for slide Presentation


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