` Virtual Looms

Virtual Looms

So one part I learned this semester in my ECS class, or Exploring Computer Science class, is learning how to use an online program called Virtual Loom. To get there and try the program yourself, click here. There are two kinds that I have learned in this topic: regular loom beading, and cornrows (which I'll get to later). What you do in the virtual loom program is you choose the color bead you want, and given the graph to place the beads on, you find the exact coordinates you want to place the bead at. Once you do, all you do is type it in the boxes and click the "Create" button. To delete the bead you put in the exact coordinates in the boxes again and click the "Remove" button. If you want, you can try to copy the loom they provide for you in a picture, or you can get creatinve/inventive and make your own. There are also various other options than simply making dots. You can make lines, trianges, rectangles, and a lot more.


^In this picture you can see an example of what the website will look like. Fun Fact: The Native Americans created beaded looms :^)

The website I provided you with, can also let you have an insight on other topics/units on there about the Native Americanss and their Native American culture/origins.


^This picture above is the Virtual Cornrow part of the website. Its basically the same thing you do with the virtual bead loom, just with "y looking" icons instead of beads. To try out Cornrows for yourself, click here. Cornrows were a kind of design used in the head of many African Americans.

When you think you're done with this page, click the buttons below :^)
