` Photo Editing

Photo Editing

So another topic I learned about in my exploring computer science class was photo editing. We didn't use Photoshop or any of those paid programs, but we used a online website called Pixlr (We used Pixlr Editor, not Pixlr Express by the way). We learned how to use the majority of the tools on there such as the color replace tool, the spot heal tool, the select tool, and a whole lot more different tools.


^In this photo I've provided you with gives you an example of what the canvas sort of looks like. You can see all the tools on the left side of the screen, and on the top its major editing tools such as the size of the tool size you're currently using, or adding another picture to the layer/different layer. You can also see the layers you're using at the top-right of the screen. Above that you can see a smaller version of your canvas with a red outline/border indicating what part of the picture one's facing when they zoom into the photo. There are so many different uses for this website, and I recommend you check it out sometime if you want a free-of-use photo editing software (I haven't used Photoshop so I can't tell you which is better, but Pixlr is pretty good for a free program).

My Examples :D


^My favorite pixel gif I made :D (I hope you like them because they take a lot of time to make x3)

I unfortunately can't show show you pictures on here, so I'm providing you with sharable links of my work/assignments instead ovo"

So the first example that I'll show you is one of my teacher. I was messing around with the tools and found out how to attach his head to a John Cena body xD. The skin tone is way off, but hey, I tried :P Before and After (Tip: "Before" means thats how the photo first looked before editing, and "After" means my edited version.)

Head Switch Example: Before and After

Whacky and Cheesy Edit: Click Here (This is the only solo edited example)

Obama & Teacher Edit: Before and After

Kawaii Nuttall Edit: Before and After

Happy Fun Times Edit: Before and After

Boring Potato Edit: Before and After

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